Our customer, a large ICT manufacturer operating in a very competitive region, with extremely quality-sensitive customers, was facing a challenge.
Due to the extremely fast pace of technological change, the demands of the client’s customers and their end users, and the aggressiveness of the competition, this client made the decision to increase the level of customer satisfaction in the interest of protecting and retaining key accounts.
A team of consultants worked on site on this multi-year project, which included the following:
Analysis: The project began with an analysis of the gap between the current level of satisfaction and the desired level. as well as a root cause analysis of the various causes of reduced satisfaction and a statistical factor analysis to determine the most effective methods of improving customer satisfaction.
Program Design: A training program was designed to provide customer-facing personnel with the knowledge to evaluate the various factors impacting their customer contact’s satisfaction level and the practical skills to influence this satisfaction level in a positive way. A second training program was designed to provide the line managers of these key customer service personnel with continuous feedback and coaching in best practices for customer satisfaction.
Tracking tools: We supplied templates, worksheets, checklists, and guidelines to make evaluation and progress easy to track.
Monitor and control: We provided ongoing monitoring and support of the program by supplying a Program Manager whose role was to facilitate ongoing progress review meetings of both the line managers and customer service personnel, suggest corrections as needed, and share lessons learned.
Lessons learned: The program was evaluated against the original objectives and the lessons learned with regard to managing learning were documented and archived for future projects.
The Client was able to exceed the desired KPIs for customer satisfaction and maintain that level through ongoing internal communication and coaching by the line organization.