Change Management
When most companies say “Change”, they often point to technology and project management methods. But it’s frequently the human side of change that carries more weight and needs the most attention.
Embark on a comprehensive – people-focused – change approach that enhances your executive support, stakeholder engagement and buy-in communications for greater funding and business impact.
Embark on a comprehensive – people-focused – change approach that enhances your executive support, stakeholder engagement and buy-in communications for greater funding and business impact.
Control your Change
Manage your company’s current transition and plan successful shifts for the future.
Strategize for focused business shifts & organization-wide transformation.
Innova Solutions guides your complete company change – no matter how large or small – with included project plans & reliable methods to earn stakeholder trust.
Achieve transformative change initiatives with stakeholders supporting you at every level.
Innova Solutions commands communication channels to build your company’s presence & nurture investor interest.
Real change requires foundational support to reach fruition & keep from falling back to a previous state.
Innova Solutions reinforces your company with enhanced KPI metrics, protected ROI growth & positive cultural shifts for greater success.
Clients Say
"Thank you for the 3 days… It was a great learning experience. The training gave me a lot of tools and techniques I can use such as active listening and stakeholder analysis."
Team MemberAmerican Insurance Company
“Taking the training online is especially useful and I would suggest it to others! Very helpful and clear examples, thoughts, and suggestions. The feedback from others and the video learning was extremely useful as well… I was impressed by everyone’s improvements during the class.”
J. Noda-HinesAmerican Insurance Company
“I really enjoyed the training. It was a good opportunity to understand new ways to succeed in my job.”
K. ShinozakiCanadian Insurance Co
Change Management Workshops
Conquer change in the workplace with these adaptable management skills:
Intro to Change Management
Learn essential lessons on how to succeed during your company’s future change initiatives.
Change Readiness
Discover why others have trouble changing
& position your company to be an exception.
Change Management (APMG-Aligned)
Plan out your next series of shifts with change experts in certified Innova Solutions workshops.
Manage Comprehensive Change (APMG)
Dive into a 3-day change management workshop & leave with a complete transformation plan.
& More…
Change management is complex, and no two companies are the same.
Share your unique questions & challenges – Innova Solutions experts are standing-by.
Your Course to Company Change
Change is the first step in overpassing bariers and achieving goals
We analyze your readiness to change.
You prepare change leaders (with our help).
We arrange plans for change ready to last.
Your transition is supported from start to self-sufficience.
Change Project Insights
Acquire insight on Change Management and bring it to your company
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